
API 測試


Playwright 可用於存取您的應用程式的 REST API。

有時您可能想要直接從 .NET 將請求傳送到伺服器,而無需載入頁面並在其中執行 js 程式碼。以下是一些可能派上用場的範例

  • 測試您的伺服器 API。
  • 在測試中造訪 Web 應用程式之前,準備伺服器端狀態。
  • 在瀏覽器中執行一些動作後,驗證伺服器端後置條件。

所有這些都可以透過 APIRequestContext 方法實現。

以下範例依賴 Microsoft.Playwright.MSTest 套件,該套件為每個測試建立 Playwright 和 Page 實例。

編寫 API 測試

APIRequestContext 可以透過網路傳送各種 HTTP(S) 請求。

以下範例示範如何使用 Playwright 透過 GitHub API 測試問題建立。測試套件將執行以下操作

  • 在執行測試之前建立新的儲存庫。
  • 建立一些問題並驗證伺服器狀態。
  • 在執行測試後刪除儲存庫。


GitHub API 需要授權,因此我們將為所有測試設定一次權杖。同時,我們也將設定 baseURL 以簡化測試。

using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.MSTest;

namespace PlaywrightTests;

public class TestGitHubAPI : PlaywrightTest
static string? API_TOKEN = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_API_TOKEN");

private IAPIRequestContext Request = null!;

public async Task SetUpAPITesting()
await CreateAPIRequestContext();

private async Task CreateAPIRequestContext()
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// We set this header per GitHub guidelines.
headers.Add("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json");
// Add authorization token to all requests.
// Assuming personal access token available in the environment.
headers.Add("Authorization", "token " + API_TOKEN);

Request = await this.Playwright.APIRequest.NewContextAsync(new() {
// All requests we send go to this API endpoint.
BaseURL = "https://api.github.com",
ExtraHTTPHeaders = headers,

public async Task TearDownAPITesting()
await Request.DisposeAsync();



using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.MSTest;

namespace PlaywrightTests;

public class TestGitHubAPI : PlaywrightTest
static string REPO = "test";
static string USER = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_USER");
static string? API_TOKEN = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_API_TOKEN");

private IAPIRequestContext Request = null!;

public async Task ShouldCreateBugReport()
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "title", "[Bug] report 1" },
{ "body", "Bug description" }
var newIssue = await Request.PostAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues", new() { DataObject = data });
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();

var issues = await Request.GetAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues");
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();
var issuesJsonResponse = await issues.JsonAsync();
JsonElement? issue = null;
foreach (JsonElement issueObj in issuesJsonResponse?.EnumerateArray())
if (issueObj.TryGetProperty("title", out var title) == true)
if (title.GetString() == "[Bug] report 1")
issue = issueObj;
Assert.AreEqual("Bug description", issue?.GetProperty("body").GetString());

public async Task ShouldCreateFeatureRequests()
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "title", "[Feature] request 1" },
{ "body", "Feature description" }
var newIssue = await Request.PostAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues", new() { DataObject = data });
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();

var issues = await Request.GetAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues");
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();
var issuesJsonResponse = await issues.JsonAsync();

JsonElement? issue = null;
foreach (JsonElement issueObj in issuesJsonResponse?.EnumerateArray())
if (issueObj.TryGetProperty("title", out var title) == true)
if (title.GetString() == "[Feature] request 1")
issue = issueObj;
Assert.AreEqual("Feature description", issue?.GetProperty("body").GetString());

// ...


這些測試假設儲存庫存在。您可能想要在執行測試之前建立一個新的儲存庫,並在之後刪除它。使用 [SetUp][TearDown] hook 來實現。

using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.MSTest;

namespace PlaywrightTests;

public class TestGitHubAPI : PlaywrightTest
// ...
public async Task SetUpAPITesting()
await CreateAPIRequestContext();
await CreateTestRepository();

private async Task CreateTestRepository()
var resp = await Request.PostAsync("/user/repos", new()
DataObject = new Dictionary<string, string>()
["name"] = REPO,
await Expect(resp).ToBeOKAsync();

public async Task TearDownAPITesting()
await DeleteTestRepository();
await Request.DisposeAsync();

private async Task DeleteTestRepository()
var resp = await Request.DeleteAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO);
await Expect(resp).ToBeOKAsync();


以下是 API 測試的完整範例

using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.Playwright;
using Microsoft.Playwright.MSTest;

namespace PlaywrightTests;

public class TestGitHubAPI : PlaywrightTest
static string REPO = "test-repo-2";
static string USER = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_USER");
static string? API_TOKEN = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_API_TOKEN");

private IAPIRequestContext Request = null!;

public async Task ShouldCreateBugReport()
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "title", "[Bug] report 1" },
{ "body", "Bug description" }
var newIssue = await Request.PostAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues", new() { DataObject = data });
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();

var issues = await Request.GetAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues");
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();
var issuesJsonResponse = await issues.JsonAsync();
JsonElement? issue = null;
foreach (JsonElement issueObj in issuesJsonResponse?.EnumerateArray())
if (issueObj.TryGetProperty("title", out var title) == true)
if (title.GetString() == "[Bug] report 1")
issue = issueObj;
Assert.AreEqual("Bug description", issue?.GetProperty("body").GetString());

public async Task ShouldCreateFeatureRequests()
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "title", "[Feature] request 1" },
{ "body", "Feature description" }
var newIssue = await Request.PostAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues", new() { DataObject = data });
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();

var issues = await Request.GetAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues");
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();
var issuesJsonResponse = await issues.JsonAsync();

JsonElement? issue = null;
foreach (JsonElement issueObj in issuesJsonResponse?.EnumerateArray())
if (issueObj.TryGetProperty("title", out var title) == true)
if (title.GetString() == "[Feature] request 1")
issue = issueObj;
Assert.AreEqual("Feature description", issue?.GetProperty("body").GetString());

public async Task SetUpAPITesting()
await CreateAPIRequestContext();
await CreateTestRepository();

private async Task CreateAPIRequestContext()
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>
// We set this header per GitHub guidelines.
{ "Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json" },
// Add authorization token to all requests.
// Assuming personal access token available in the environment.
{ "Authorization", "token " + API_TOKEN }

Request = await Playwright.APIRequest.NewContextAsync(new()
// All requests we send go to this API endpoint.
BaseURL = "https://api.github.com",
ExtraHTTPHeaders = headers,

private async Task CreateTestRepository()
var resp = await Request.PostAsync("/user/repos", new()
DataObject = new Dictionary<string, string>()
["name"] = REPO,
await Expect(resp).ToBeOKAsync();

public async Task TearDownAPITesting()
await DeleteTestRepository();
await Request.DisposeAsync();

private async Task DeleteTestRepository()
var resp = await Request.DeleteAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO);
await Expect(resp).ToBeOKAsync();

透過 API 呼叫準備伺服器狀態

以下測試透過 API 建立一個新問題,然後導航到專案中所有問題的清單,以檢查它是否出現在清單的頂部。檢查是使用 LocatorAssertions 執行的。

class TestGitHubAPI : PageTest
public async Task LastCreatedIssueShouldBeFirstInTheList()
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "title", "[Feature] request 1" },
{ "body", "Feature description" }
var newIssue = await Request.PostAsync("/repos/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues", new() { DataObject = data });
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();

// When inheriting from 'PlaywrightTest' it only gives you a Playwright instance. To get a Page instance, either start
// a browser, context, and page manually or inherit from 'PageTest' which will launch it for you.
await Page.GotoAsync("https://github.com/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues");
var firstIssue = Page.Locator("a[data-hovercard-type='issue']").First;
await Expect(firstIssue).ToHaveTextAsync("[Feature] request 1");


以下測試透過瀏覽器中的使用者介面建立一個新問題,然後透過 API 檢查是否已建立

// Make sure to extend from PageTest if you want to use the Page class.
class GitHubTests : PageTest
public async Task LastCreatedIssueShouldBeOnTheServer()
await Page.GotoAsync("https://github.com/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues");
await Page.Locator("text=New Issue").ClickAsync();
await Page.Locator("[aria-label='Title']").FillAsync("Bug report 1");
await Page.Locator("[aria-label='Comment body']").FillAsync("Bug description");
await Page.Locator("text=Submit new issue").ClickAsync();
var issueId = Page.Url.Substring(Page.Url.LastIndexOf('/'));

var newIssue = await Request.GetAsync("https://github.com/" + USER + "/" + REPO + "/issues/" + issueId);
await Expect(newIssue).ToBeOKAsync();
StringAssert.Contains(await newIssue.TextAsync(), "Bug report 1");


Web 應用程式使用基於 Cookie 或基於權杖的驗證,其中驗證狀態儲存為 Cookie。Playwright 提供 ApiRequestContext.StorageStateAsync() 方法,可用於從已驗證的內容中檢索儲存狀態,然後使用該狀態建立新的內容。

儲存狀態在 BrowserContextAPIRequestContext 之間是可互換的。您可以使用它透過 API 呼叫登入,然後建立一個新的內容,其中已包含 Cookie。以下程式碼片段從已驗證的 APIRequestContext 檢索狀態,並建立一個新的 BrowserContext 與該狀態。

var requestContext = await Playwright.APIRequest.NewContextAsync(new()
HttpCredentials = new()
Username = "user",
Password = "passwd"
await requestContext.GetAsync("https://api.example.com/login");
// Save storage state into a variable.
var state = await requestContext.StorageStateAsync();

// Create a new context with the saved storage state.
var context = await Browser.NewContextAsync(new() { StorageState = state });